"Tough times never last, but tough 
                                                           people do!"
                                                                               - Robert H. Schuller

It takes a great deal of strength to endure homelessness.  The harsh, unrelenting lifestyle erodes the body and the mind.  Whether the homeless are on foot or in cars, many of them live life on a moment by moment basis, struggling to get through the day.

Homelessness is extremely challenging.  It is a life of tribulations.  For many of the homeless, the longer they are on the streets the more difficult it is for them to endure the lifestyle and its conditions.  To meet the demands of the homeless life, they must bend, stretch, and push themselves beyond their limits.  In time, surviving homelessness becomes a battle of the body, the mind, the emotions, and the spirit.  It is an inner conflict of how much the homeless can take before they break.  It is a fight for strength and endurance.

The following are the four battles that the homeless go through on a continuous basis:

1.  The Battle of the Body

The physical effects caused by the weather, the lack of basic necessities, periodic sickness, and sleep deprivation bring considerable burden and challenges to the homeless.  They place big demands on the body that is already under a lot of stress.  The body has to go into battle and fight to overextend itself, and to keep dealing with prolonged periods of discomfort and exhaustion. Eventually the body learns to live with the physical effects and ignore its needs.

Here are some physical effects that come with the lifestyle and the territory:

Weather Conditions, Lack of Necessities, and Sickness The homeless are continuously exposed to weather conditions--heat, cold, and rain.  Of the three elements, the most difficult to deal with are the heat and the cold.  Rain is a major problem, but it is more of a nuisance compared to the other two.

In the summer months the homeless focus on getting through the day.  They move around constantly, looking for a shady spot or a cool place to escape the heat.  Dehydration and heat exhaustion are common.  Persevering the heat is one problem; handling the physical discomfort from the heat is another.

Since the homeless lack basic necessities and access to showers, they have periods of uncleanliness.  Soiled clothing, dirty hair, and body odor are unbearable. They are offensive to others as well as to the homeless.  It takes extraordinary tolerance to live with uncomfortable conditions that become more unpleasant over time.  The homeless learn to put up with it and press on.

The winter months are no better.  In fact, they are worse.  Trying to stay warm while living outdoors is close to impossible.  The homeless contend with the cold, the wind chill factor, and the fog.  Getting through the night is a long, dreadful ordeal.  And when the homeless are sick, it compounds their problems.

Imagine what it would be like if you were sick with a terrible cold or the flu, unable to stay warm, without medicine, and sleeping outdoors in 40 degree weather. (It is colder in other states and in other parts of the world.)  The homeless go through this every winter.

Sleep Deprivation - In addition to weather conditions, the homeless also deal with sleep deprivation.  Getting a good night's sleep in the homeless world is unattainable.  Street life is not conducive to sleep.  Street lights, car alarms going off, the parking lot sweeper driving up and down the lot, the trash collector emptying the dumpster, and more make it hard to rest.

As a result of the above, the homeless suffer from inadequate sleep and fatigue. Sleep deprivation hinders the ability to function and cope, making life more difficult.  And because the body is depleted from a lack of sleep and rest, fatigue sets in.  Sometimes the fatigue is so severe that the homeless fall asleep on the sidewalk in broad daylight.

2.  The Battle of the Mind

To a large degree, how well the homeless fare in this lifestyle depends on fortitude and attitude.  Because homelessness is overbearing, the homeless must be mentally tough and possess the right attitude.

There is a constant battle to stay strong and not give up.  With the following fortitude and attitude, the homeless can persevere and not get consumed by the lifestyle:

Fortitude According to Merriam-Webster Dictionary, New Edition, fortitude is defined as "strength of mind that enables one to meet danger or bear pain or adversity with courage."  This definition summarizes the kind of mental toughness the homeless need to sustain them.

Fortitude helps the homeless face the dangers of street life, endure pain and suffering, control overwhelming emotions, stay in faith, and live in hard times. It is fortitude that gives them the mental strength to transcend their situation and to keep moving forward.

Fortitude is the first line of defense against homelessness.  A positive attitude is the next line of defense.

Attitude - As with everything in life, and especially when it comes to homelessness, attitude is the determiner.  Attitude sets the tone for how the homeless go through the experience.  It is the difference between seeing light at the end of the tunnel and feeling doomed.

The mindset of the homeless and the way they manage their problems make all the difference in the world.  If there is a positive attitude, there is an uplifted spirit and a better outlook.  If there is openness, there is possibility.  If there is flexibility, there is adaptability.  And if there is persistence, there is a good chance of success.

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